A Kettlebell Champion’s Fitness Journey From BodyBuilding To Creating A Work Life Balance

From being a bodybuilder to a kettlebell champion with a 9 to 6 job, here is Gaurang Ambedkar’s story who wants to do something for the world.

Charu Sharma
Written by: Charu SharmaUpdated at: Oct 06, 2021 11:33 IST
A Kettlebell Champion’s Fitness Journey From BodyBuilding To Creating A Work Life Balance

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

A lot many times it happens that we experiment with different things until we find a true passion for ourselves. Something that makes us happy from within. There is no greater joy than finding that passion of yours and working towards it as it ignites a spark from within, which helps you keep goin and moving forward. For some this passion can be dancing, for others it can be writing but for our Kettlebell Champion it is Kettlebell lifting. Where most of us are aware about weightlifting and bodybuilding, here is something quite new for you folks. Hotelier by profession and Athlete by choice, today we are going to talk about the fitness journey of a Kettlebell state and National champion “Gaurang Amdekar”

A Gym Friend inspired me

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Talking about his fitness journey and coming into bodybuilding and kettlebell training Gaurang says that it was like a rollercoaster ride for him. Tracing back to his past and while remembering his story Gaurang describes that while he was in 10th standard, it was his dad who actually forced him to join a gym and get fitness training. At that moment, he was not very much interested in gyming and weightlifting but he continued going to the gym. It was just a routine where he used to visit the gym, lift some weight and come back. After continuing this practice for about 3-4 years, one of Gaurang’s gym friends who was also into bodybuilding and weightlifting motivated him to participate in various bodybuilding competitions. This was a turning point in his life after which he actively started participating in various competitions and taking gyming and bodybuilding seriously.

Started taking kettlebell courses during lockdown

State and National Kettlebell champion for the year 2021, Gaurang was into bodybuilding for about 5-6 years and is working in the hotel industry. There is a point in your life where you do things for years and then realise that this is not something that was meant for you and your real interest lies somewhere else. The case was the same in Gaurang’s story. After being in the field of bodybuilding and weightlifting for about 5 to 6 years he felt that he hasn’t achieved much and the competition is really tough. It was just last year during the lockdown when he realised that it is neither hotel industry or bodybuilding but kettlebell lifting is was his passion lies in. 

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Gaurang says that “It was during the first lockdown when I started learning about the kettlebell and different kettlebell techniques. I started taking online training and completed the level 1 and level 2 course in kettlebell training along with a certification course from American College Of Sports Medicine (ACSM) personal trainer course.” The reason behind doing these courses was Gaurang’s wish to become self dependent so that he does not have to depend on someone and would not be misguided. 

Although Gaurang couldn’t make a profession out of kettlebell lifting and kettlebell training yet, he gradually started training people in the field and participating in various state level and national level competitions. He says that his current target is to achieve the title of candidating master of sports (CMS) for which he will need to do 340 reps with 24 kgs of kettlebell that too within 30 minutes. 

Used to sneak out at 4 am for a run

Kettlebell training is way too different then weightlifting and requires endurance training. Unlike weight lifting where one needs to lift certain weights and place them down, kettlebell training requires a person to repeat certain reps with those weights, that  too in a restricted time period. Being a sport which requires a lot of endurance training one needs to practice things like cycling and running in order to become better at kettlebell training.

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Gaurang says that when he started off with kettlebell training, his parents were extremely surprised and confused at the same time. Kettlebell being something that they have never heard of and their son being so passionate and inclined towards kettlebell training came out as a surprise to them. 

Due to this reason Gaurang says that he used to wake up early in the morning and go for a run or for cycling at about 4 am when everybody was sleeping so that no one in his family would see him sneaking out and going for training. 

Trained Visually Impaired Kids through online sessions

While remembering his own journey, Gaurang says that “ There are a lot many people out there who are getting wrong guidance as almost everyone wants to get fit and lose weight as fast as possible. Due to this there are people who are misleading them and playing with their health in order to earn money. I really wish to give something back to my community and my people. Whatever knowledge that I have gathered in this period of time, I want them to get benefitted from it.” 

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Gaurang says that after the completion of his personal trainer’s course he started online training along with his friends and also started taking live classes early in the morning. Apart from this he was also associated with an organisation of Mumbai university that works in order to help visually impaired people. While being associated with this Non Governmental Organisation, Gaurang with a few of his other friends helped these children in getting proper training and providing them with knowledge of the same field. These online fitness sessions used to be carried out twice a week. After getting a positive response from these sessions, he wishes to conduct an offline live training program for these children so that they would be able to learn things in a better way and there would be a clear communication. 
