#FridaysWithParas: One Ingredient For Open Pores, Pigmentation, Dandruff And Weight Loss

Grooming Expert Paras Tomar helps how apple cider vinegar can help you get clear skin by simply following these tips

Paras Tomar
Written by: Paras TomarUpdated at: Nov 29, 2019 10:21 IST
#FridaysWithParas: One Ingredient For Open Pores, Pigmentation, Dandruff And Weight Loss

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Now that I have your attention, it’s one fair that I tell you what apple cider vinegar is! If you don’t have this one ingredient in your kitchen, it’s honestly time you “add to cart” it right now! I’ve got a few favourites, but hands down, one of my favourite kitchen ingredients has got to be Apple Cider Vinegar. I’m almost surprised when even now sometimes people respond to my #parasKeNuskhe videos and ask, “What is Apple Cider vinegar?”. ACV, short for  Apple Cider Vinegar, Is one of my kitchen staples. This week I wanted to share with you a few simple nuskhe to fix a lot of problems with just one cap full of ACV. 

Before that, though, you must buy the right kind. If your ACV doesn’t have particles floating in it and has a clear colour, DON’T buy it! The one you want is a natural, unfiltered, organic one. The other keyword to look for is “The mother of Vinegar”. The reason we want it unfiltered is that the good stuff gets strained out, and that’s the stuff we need! So to emphasise this again, any brand- Unfiltered with mother of vinegar.

For Open Pores


One of the smallest yet, somewhat annoying skin conditions are open pores. A lot of people try very hard to close open pores. If they’re open, you’re likely to get more breakouts, blackheads and the general appearance of your face is …let’s just say, not instagrammble! Apple Cider Vinegar works as a natural toner and astringent. Make your pore minimising toner by adding 1/4 ACV in 3/4 water and leave in the refrigerator. Use either with a cotton ball or a spray bottle for easy use. I use this before I go to bed. You’ll wake up with tighter skin. But hang on, this face toner spray we just made isn’t just for open pores. Keep that bottle handy!

Also Read: #FridaysWithParas: Winter Is Coming, Get Creative With DIY Moisturisers

For Pigmentation

Discolouration of the face and the cheeks, in particular, is more common than you think. A lot of people have reddish or brown patches on their foreheads and the cheeks. If you’re at an early stage of pigmentation, I recommend you use this homemade Apple Cider Vinegar toner for this purpose as well. Apple Cider Vinegar will lighten dark spots, remove pigmentation and fix it if it’s in the early stages. You’ll usually see results In the first week. 


For Dandruff

If your scalp feels too itchy and dry, spray the same on your hair. Apple Cider Vinegar will balance the pH level of your scalp to make sure your dandruff starts bidding you goodbye. It works as an excellent treatment for an itchy scalp. Try this before your shower. Leave on for about 30 minutes. With regular use, your scalp won’t be itchy or scratchy!

Also Read: #FridaysWithParas: Get Pink Lips With These Simple Remedies

To Lose Weight!


Yes, you heard it right! Every weight loss spree of mine has a dose of Apple Cider Vinegar. Start and end your day with one cap full of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water. Contrary to popular belief, Apple Cider Vinegar isn’t a fat burner but is a metabolic enhancer. It does this by lining your stomach with acids that improve digestion and improve your gut health. Once your digestive system finds itself in better shape, it doesn’t a better job of using food, and you’ll see the results not just on your scale but the face as well! #ParasKeNuskhe is all-natural for a reason; it makes things simple! :) 

If you are looking to minimise pores, you can get my Nuskhe by Paras Cleanser, toner, moisturiser combo on Amazon. Use that daily to add to your CTM routine and feel the difference!

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