#FridaysWithParas: A Simple Fail Proof Tip I Use To Get Rid Of A Tan

Who doesn’t love bright sunny days? A day at the beach or one spent basking in the mountain sun will give you plenty of #SunKissed moments. The only trouble then is to get rid of the stubborn tan

Paras Tomar
Written by: Paras TomarUpdated at: Nov 08, 2019 17:11 IST
#FridaysWithParas: A Simple Fail Proof Tip I Use To Get Rid Of A Tan

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

We’re obsessed with skin colour. Fair enough (Pun intended)! No matter how much we love the beaches and the sun for the picture-perfect moments for social media, we certainly do not like how the sun affects our skin. One of the questions I’m asked most often, and I can’t overemphasise “MOST” even if I tried, is “Paras, How do I get rid of a skin tan?”

Look, you need the sun! It increases your Vitamin D levels and alleviates the gloomy mood. If the fear of tanning keeps you indoors, then this article is for you!

As an actor and a travel show host, honestly, this is the one thing I need to be proactive about myself as well. I’ll tell you two easy fixes. One, a single ingredient fix from the vault of ‘Paras Ke Nuskhe’, the other a face mask which is as effective as it is soothing!

tomato properties for the skin

Tomato For The Face

Let me share an interesting anecdote with you guys. I was shooting for a travel show in the beautiful mountains of Manali. While the mountain air is great for your lungs, the mountain sun is hardly forgiving, leading to tan and pigmentation due to sun exposure. The ritual at the end of each day for me was to rub a few slices of tomato on my face. Each time I asked housekeeping to send me a tomato, they would send me a salad! I’d made peace with the fact that hotels don’t understand the importance of single-ingredient whole foods. So on day three, I went grocery shopping to buy half a kilo tomatoes and put them in my mini-bar!

Tomato is most effective in preventing the tan from setting. Rubbing a slice of tomato on your skin on the day of the exposure will make sure your skin doesn’t darken, the tan doesn’t stick, and the texture of your skin doesn’t flake! It’s the simplest ritual that’s become a part of my life when I spend too much time in the sun on shoots or holidays. And this one is a favourite of mine because it’s as effective as it is hassle-free. Tomatoes are great to make your skin glow. They’re full of potassium and Vitamin C. On the damage control side of things, tomatoes are full of lycopene, which fights free radicals and prevents both sun damage and ageing.

TIPS BY PARAS: If you can find a tomato at the end of the sunny day, you’re going to save yourself a lot of chemical peels and a lot of trouble! Rub your face with a slice of tomato and leave on for 15 minutes before washing it off! Tan Arrested!

Also Read: Benefits and DIY Sunscreen At Home

While prevention most certainly is better than cure, on beach holidays and marathon excitement or mountain vacations, it’s easy to ignore vanity. Most people realise that their selfies are turning shades darker as their trip progresses. If you haven’t been able to prevent the tan from setting in, tan removal can sometimes be a slightly lengthy process. And sometimes, it can even take about a month or so to come back to your original shade. In any case, while your melanin has worked overtime to create a protective layer, your body’s good intentions of protecting you from UV rays has created a bit of a vanity issue. Here’s a solution for that:

tomato benefits on skin

Sun Tan Removal Face Pack By Paras Tomar

  • Grab a nice juicy Lime and squeeze out all the Acidic goodness.
  • Add about 2 spoons of Multani mitti or fuller’s earth to this.
  • Add just enough Yogurt to make this mixture a slightly runny paste. I prefer making this with yogurt that’s straight out of the refrigerator.
  • Once you’ve turned this into a paste the consistency of delicious ice cream, scrub on your face for about a minute or two and set it to dry.
  • When removing it, fight the desire to wash it off and put in some extra effort and scrub it off your face instead. 

The Goodness Of The Pack

Lime is a natural bleaching agent. Its high vitamin C content is perfect for restoring your skin to its natural shade. Multani mitti helps remove the top tanned layer of your skin when you scrub it off. It also pulls out extra oil from your face while the yoghurt in question is going to make your skin softer and give it a glow. The lactic acid in yoghurt mixed with good bacteria will create magic on your skin. Use this every day for about 3 days to see a significant improvement in your colour. 

Also Read: Try Walnut Face Pack To Get Instant Glow

BUY: You can also use my Nuskhe by Paras Mint & Charcoal face scrub and face mask to get rid of your tan super soon. You get a discount here!

So don’t let the tan lines keep you from enjoying the sun and the sand! I hope this remedy helps you tremendously! It’s something I’ve done for years with a great result!

paras tan removal recipe

Read more articles on Skin Care
