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Dengue Danger: 15 Key Questions Answered By Doctor

Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection transmitted by several species of Aedes mosquito; it sees a spurt in the rainy season.

Varun Verma
Written by: Varun VermaUpdated at: Jul 18, 2023 14:09 IST
Dengue Danger: 15 Key Questions Answered By Doctor

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Dengue has seen a steady rise in India over the past decade, and stagnant water left behind by monsoon rains becomes an ideal breeding ground for the mosquitoes that carry the disease. These pesky insects thrive in such environments, laying their eggs in standing water, leading to a rapid increase in their population. Among the many diseases they carry, dengue fever poses a significant threat to public health during this time.

Dengue Prevalence 

A study published in the journal Emerging Microbes & Infections says, “Since the mid-1990s, epidemics of dengue in India have become more frequent, especially in urban zones, and have quickly spread to new regions, such as Orissa (Odisha), Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram, where dengue was historically non-existent.” 

Northern India remains a hub for the disease, though. This year, as of July 15, a total of 163 dengue cases have been reported In Delhi, whereas during the same period in 2022 and 2021, there were 158 and 40 cases reported respectively. 

Also ReadExpert Talk: Increase In Dengue Cases Due To Climate Change

Frequently Asked Questions on Dengue

To raise awareness, we put some important questions about dengue to Dr Monalisa Sahu, Consultant Infectious Diseases, Yashoda Hospitals Hyderabad.

1. What is Dengue?


"Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection, caused by the dengue virus and transmitted by several species of Aedes mosquito," explained Dr Sahu. It derives its name from the Swahili phrase Ka-dinga pepo, meaning “cramp-like seizure”; and has over the years also been called “break bone fever” because of the symptoms. In India, the first epidemic of clinical dengue-like illness was recorded in Chennai (then called Madras) in 1780, says a study in the Indian Journal of Medical Research, also cited by the US National Library of Medicine. It says the first virologically proven epidemic of dengue fever (DF) occurred in Kolkata (then Calcutta) and the eastern coast of India in 1963-1964. 

2. What is Dengue Fever Caused By?

Dengue is caused by dengue virus, having several serotypes. "The importance of these serotypes is that the infection with one serotype doesn’t protect against the other serotypes, meaning a person can get infected with dengue many times during their lifetime, and a second infection with dengue can have more severe consequences," Dr Sahu said.

3. What are the Warning Signs of Dengue Fever?

According to Dr Sahu, "The warning signs of dengue are abdominal pain, recurrent vomiting; bleeding from any site like nose, gums, and mouth, during passing stools; and restlessness and tiredness."

Also ReadWhat Are These Warning Signs Of Dengue Fever And Its Various Stages

4. What Time is the Dengue Mosquito Active?

Dr Sahu said that the Aedes mosquitoes stay indoors as well as outdoors and bite people mostly during the daytime (more so just after sunrise and a few hours before sunset), but can also bite during the nighttime in well-lighted areas.

5. Can Dengue Fever Cause Miscarriage?

According to Dr Sahu, "Dengue fever is asymptomatic to mild in about 90% of cases. But it can be transmitted from a pregnant woman to the foetus through the placenta, having variable effects on the foetus."

A study published by the International Journal of Infectious Diseases documented various antenatal complications linked to dengue, encompassing miscarriage, stillbirth, and premature deliveries. Furthermore, Brazil has reported incidents of maternal death resulting from dengue infection during pregnancy.

6. What are the Dengue Symptoms in Kids?


"Children may develop severe symptoms of dengue-like prolonged high-grade fever lasting more than five days or even decreased body temperatures," said Dr Sahu. She added that children may have a skin rash, pain in their abdomen, vomiting and reduced appetite, irritability and drowsiness, bleeding from nose and gums, body pain, muscle pain and joint pains, and severe weakness.

7. After How Many Days Do Platelets Increase in Dengue?

"After mild to moderate dengue, the platelet counts may fall from day 4-7 and begin to rise by 8-10 days of the illness," said the doctor.

Also ReadExpert Talk: Why Dengue Virus Affect Blood Platelets

8. Can Dengue and Typhoid Happen Together?

Dengue and typhoid are two different illnesses caused by different pathogens. They both tend to be more common during the monsoons. "Sometimes, people can get infected with both diseases at once," said Dr Sahu.

7. How is Dengue Different from Malaria?

"The typical symptoms of dengue described above are absent in malaria," stated Dr Sahu. She added that there are also periods of fever subsiding for 12-48 hours during malaria (depending on the type of malaria affecting), and more commonly associated with chills. "It is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito and caused by protozoa, the Plasmodium species (the malarial parasite)," she explained.

10. What Can a Dengue Patient Eat?

When someone has dengue fever, they may experience stomach pain and vomiting. "To feel better, patients should eat a simple and gentle diet with lots of vitamins and protein. It's also crucial to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. This can help them feel more comfortable and recover faster," said Dr Sahu.

11. Can I Recover From Dengue On My Own?

On this, Dr Sahu said, "Usually, when people get infected with the dengue virus, about 80% of them are asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms, like a simple fever." 

"But close vigil for the warning signs is required, and in cases of severe cases, early intervention is essential," she suggested. 

12. How Can I Prevent Dengue at Home?

To prevent dengue, you should avoid mosquito bites in several ways. "Wear clothes with long sleeves to cover your arms, and use mosquito repellents Make sure to keep water containers fully covered and avoid letting water stand still both inside and outside your home," suggested the doctor. 

Also ReadDengue Hemorrhagic Fever: That Mosquito You Shouldn’t Ignore

13. What Repels Dengue Mosquitoes?

"To keep mosquitoes away, you can use things, such as mosquito repellents, creams, mats, coils, and vaporisers. These items can help prevent mosquitoes from bothering you and biting you," recommended the doctor.

14. What are Foods To Increase Platelet Count In Dengue Patients?


"Consumption of berries and kiwi fruits has been shown to decrease platelet aggregation and improve platelet function to some extent, but keeping yourself hydrated is very important," suggested Dr Sahu.

15. How Do I Cure Abdominal Pain in Dengue?

"Abdominal pain is a warning sign of severe dengue, and the patient should seek the doctor’s advice immediately if develops it," she suggested.

[Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. Consult your healthcare provider to get a thorough diagnosis and treatment as per your health needs.]

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