What Is Forehead Reduction Surgery? Know Everything About Its Risks And Side-Effects

Like several other cosmetic procedures, people also undergo forehead reduction surgery. But are you aware of its various complications?

Tavishi Dogra
Written by: Tavishi DograUpdated at: Nov 02, 2021 10:56 IST
What Is Forehead Reduction Surgery? Know Everything About Its Risks And Side-Effects

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Forehead reduction surgery: It is a cosmetic method that helps reduce the length of your forehead. But do you know the cause behind such large foreheads? In many people, the huge forehead is due to genetic reasons, that also has several disadvantages. Some drawbacks of broad forehead include hair fall and victim of baldness at an early age. Like several other cosmetic methods, nowadays, people also want to undergo forehead reduction surgery. Do you know that this surgical option is also recognised as hairline lower surgery? Because it tries to balance the proportions of your face. Let us learn more about this alternative of cosmetic surgery and different things related to it.

Who should get forehead reduction surgery done?

  • Those who have thick hair, but is not proportionate to the height of their hairline.
  • Those who have a broad forehead and want to make their forehead smaller.
  • For heavy or low eyebrows that are changing the proportions of your face.
forehead reduction surgery
  • Brow lift procedure that also helps you to bring your hairline forward.
  • Hair grafting process for those who wish to enhance their hairline
  • People who want to get their hairline reduced.

What is the procedure and healing process for forehead reduction surgery?

Forehead Plasty also is known as the hairline-lower surgery, which typically takes around one to two hours to perform (depending on the complexity of the cryosurgery). As a one-day process, it is more sensitive. Let us know how these surgeries are done. After washing the hair, the doctor injects into the head, which helps in postoperatively pain control and reduces bleeding during the procedure. The hair is fixed by pulling forward as needed, and the scalp is carried to the back of the head. Doctors often examine the hair and scalp within the first three to four months after surgery. Forehead reduction surgery removes a portion of the forehead skin at the hairline, helping it reduce the fluid build-up under the head.

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Forehead Reduction Surgery: Risks and side effects?

All surgical procedures come with risks. Risks of forehead reduction surgery include:

  • The healing process takes time after incision
  • Bleeding during and after surgery
  • Fear of infection

  • Nerve damage 
  • Allergies
  • Hair fall

For maximum people, the advantages of forehead reduction surgery overweigh the hazards. If a skilled, experienced professional perform the surgery, the risk of the scar and long-term effects is reduced.

What are the other choices for surgery (except Forehead Reduction Surgery)?


  • Hair grafting surgery: If your forehead looks longer due to a larger hairline, another option may be hair transplantation or hair grafting. This process involves taking hair from the back of the head and transplanting the hair follicles to the bow of the hairline. This method can also help to reduce the forehead.
  • Brow lift surgery: If your forehead appears too large, a brow lift may be an alternative to forehead reduction surgery. This process involves shifting the skin of the eyebrow area or manipulating the muscles to raise it higher on the face. In some cases, lifting the eyebrow may also make the forehead look shorter.

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