Flat Feet Condition: Know Types And Tips For Treatment

Flat feet are also of three major types, here are the types and tips to treat your foot condition.

Puru Bansal
Written by: Puru BansalUpdated at: Feb 19, 2022 09:00 IST
Flat Feet Condition: Know Types And Tips For Treatment

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Flat feet condition is very common among people. Around 30% of population in India have some kind of flat feet issue which goes on until something serious happens. Flat foot is a condition in which your foot touches the ground totally without creating the arch in the middle. The middle arch prevents us from getting disbalanced and also acts like a shock absorber for the body. People who have flat feet often end up having arthritis or knee problems in the future because the shock impacts your knees and lower back. There are 3 major types of flat feet conditions which occur in people. It is important to know these types of prevent health adversities.

How can you diagnose flat feet?

We spoke to expert Dr. Timujh Kataria, Orthopaedic Surgeon and consultant in Vozart Healthcare Hospital, Lucknow. He told that flat feet can be usually diagnosed by the physical condition of the feet. Determining the type of flat foot can be a bit challenging without doctor’s help but you can always get a rough idea. 


The best method is to create an impression of your foot on the paper that can tell the shape of your feet. Apart from this, you need to observe symptoms of flat foot such as pain in ankles and joints of legs, discomfort while running or climbing, pain in knees or getting exhausted very early. All of these could be few signs and symptoms that can help you determine flat feet condition. 

Types of Flat Feet

1. Flexible flat foot

This is a condition in which your arches of the foot appear only when you lift your feet up. Flexible flat feet is one of the most common types of flat feet condition that usually occurs to people. This goes unnoticed most of the times because there is a lower arch that makes people guesses that it is normal. If your soles touch the ground while standing, then it could be because of flexible flat feet. This type of flat foot condition occurs from childhood and there is minimal or no pain in this type of feet problem.

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2. Tight Achilles Tendons

As the name suggests it has something to do with tendons. The reason behind this name is that Achilles tendons are the cause of it. These tendons are responsible to connect your heel with the calf muscles. If the tendons are too tight, then it causes issues while walking and running.  People having tight Achilles tendons face flat feet because of heel gets lifted up prematurely. As a result of this condition, it leads to pain and discomfort in your foot. This condition could also make you tired and exhausted very soon. You must get this condition diagnosed soon to avoid complications. 


3. Posterior Tibial tendon dysfunction

Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction is more of a acquired condition rather than a inherited one. This is because tendons that connect you in the calf muscles are damages or do not function properly. It could be because of injury, swelling or tearing of a tissue. As a result of this condition, the arch on your foot does not get adequate support which it should in general terms. As a result of this, it causes pain inside your foot and on ankles. It can affect you on one or both feet. This is a posterior tibial tendon dysfunction which usually occurs to people in their adulthood or while growing up.  

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Tips to Treat Flat Feet Condition

Dr. Timujh Kataria suggests some tips that could be beneficial for you in the treatment process and recovering from flat feet. Here are some points that you can consider-


  1. As soon as you get diagnosed with flat feet, try to get support for your feet
  2. Try to work with physiologist that can help you to treat flat feet condition
  3. Wear orthotics inside your shoes or sandals. There are supporting cushions and materials that help to maintain your arch. 
  4. Wear shoes with proper arch and heels that could help you cope up while performing daily functions.
  5. Start some exercises with consulting your doctor that can be beneficial to treat flat foot
  6. Do not stand or walk for long hours until your flat feet condition are healed
  7. If flat foot is because of posterior pain, then some medications can be taken in order to reduce inflammation and pain from the ankles.
  8. Put surgery as the last and ultimate option. Consult specialist doctors before opting for a foot surgery to treat flat feet.

Picture Credits- pixabay.com, istockimages.in
