Fat To Fab: Anindita's Story Of Losing Weight And Coming Back To Life

Weight ManagementBy Onlymyhealth editorial teamDec 10, 2019

Those struggling obesity know the real fight to live a healthy life. With weight comes a gamut of diseases, just what happened with 47-year-old Anindita Deogharia. A working woman and a mother of two, she almost forgot the need of taking care of herself, leaving her weighing 102 kilos. It struck her hard when her weight, as well as her sugar levels, were out of control. At the time when she was 102 kilos, Anindita's Type 2 diabetes reached 11.4.

Also Read: From 102 Kilos To 68 Kilos: This Is How This US-Based Woman Lost 34 Kilos And Got Her Health Back On Track

Despite her efforts, she could only worry about her deteriorating health. It was that time when she decided to leave all inhibitions and work towards losing weight only to live a healthy life. This was the start of Anindita's weight loss journey. Now, after losing 34 kilos in total, she has regained the lost confidence and the health to perform those many physical activities, which were earlier a distant dream. Here's the inspiring weight loss journey of Anindita Deogharia from 102 kilos to 68.

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