5 Face Cleansing Mistakes You Need To Stop Making Right Now

5 most common face cleansing mistakes that have become a hindrance between you and your flawless skin.

Charu Sharma
Written by: Charu SharmaUpdated at: Sep 01, 2021 09:00 IST
5 Face Cleansing Mistakes You Need To Stop Making Right Now

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Face wash, masks, serums and what not, honestly most of all have tried it all and how can we miss those DIYs that we have practiced in order to get that glowing, younger looking skin of our dreams. Getting that ‘perfect skin’ can be a lot of hard work and especially when you have been doing the basics wrong. Well yes there can be a lot many things coming between you and the flawless skin of your dreams but not cleaning your face in the right manner can be one of them. If you are wondering what possible mistake can one make while cleansing their face then read along to know about 5 most common face cleansing mistakes that have become a hindrance between you and your flawless skin.

5 Face cleansing mistakes you need to stop

Face wash

Image Credits- Allure

Here we have listed 5 of the most common face cleansing mistakes that people make that need to be avoided at the earliest. Without a further ado let's hop in and look what actually these mistakes are and how you can avoid them. 

1. Washing with a wrong cleanser

No matter how hard you try, you can not get the desired results if your ingredients are wrong. Cleansing the soft facial skin with a soap bar is a big no and it is advised to keep that harsh soap bar only till your body and away from your face. Not just washing off with a soap bar but using a cleanser that isn’t right for your skin type is a sin. In today’s world where the beauty industry has got a product for every skin type from oily to dry and from combination to acne prone, it wouldn’t be less than a blunder if you are using a wrong cleanser, that means the one which is not suited for your skin type.


Image Credits- EPureMalasia

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Before investing into a face wash or any facial cleanser make sure that you look out for its functions, key ingredients and the skin type it is best suited for. Investing in the right type of cleanser is just like making a right life decision as it will help you to get rid of all the dust, dirt, impurities, pollutants and makeup from your skin without striping offf the the healthy oils that your skin requires and will eventually lead to a hydrated and smooth skin.

2. Cleansing your face in shower


Image Credits- Stylist

Well I bet that most of you wouldn’t have pondered upon it and have been washing or cleansing their face while in shower with boiling hot water. Well hot water showers might be good for your body and might help you to relax but can be really bad for your facial skin. Using water with extreme temperatures for your face can actually lead to skin damage and come along with some unwanted skin issues like damaged capillaries. Hot water has the potential to disrupt the natural moisture barrier of your skin and strip away the natural oils. Stripping away of the natural oils from the skin and lack of moisture can eventually result in a dry and flaky skin or as a matter of fact can have a reverse effect which would cause the skin to start producing sebum and make your skin super oily. It is advised to wash your face post shower with a suitable cleanser and lukewarm water as it is the best temperature to keep your skin healthy.

3. Washing your Face Too Often


Remember that time when you had super oily skin and acne and all you could think of was washing up your face every now and then? Well here’s a little pill of disappointment as cleansing your face repeatedly throughout the day would not wash away your skin problems but would actually contribute to increasing them. Washing your face repeatedly would result in drying up your skin and which might cause it to produce more oil in order to compensate for the existing dryness. It is recommended to cleanse/ wash your face twice a day with a suitable cleanser and lukewarm water and not more than that. Cleansing at night before hitting the bed helps you to get rid of all the dirt, dust and pollutants sitting on your skin that might cause breakouts and contribute to premature aging whereas cleansing your face in the morning helps to get rid of the excess oils that get accumulated on your skin overnight and might clog those pores.

4. Relying on wipes

If you are lazy enough to think that removing your makeup with those makup removing wipes or wet wipes insufficient, then it's no one else but you who is responsible for all those breakouts ab\nd other skin problems you get. Wiping your makeup with wipes is not enough and everybody should know that. These wipes are not capable of removing all of your makeup and at times some small particles get stuck to your skin which might clog your pores and result in the growth of bacteria on your skin and cause pimples and acne. Even if you are using these wipes, make sure to wash your face with a mild cleanser at night before hitting bed to get rid of all the pollutant, dust and dirt particles along with that makeup on your skin.


Image Credits- Cosmopolitan 

Also Read:  DIY Makeup Removers And Wet Wipes For A Soft, Supple And Happy Skin

5. Rubbing with towel

Coming out of the shower and using a harsh towel and ripping it all over your face in order to dry it is one of the worst things you can do to your skin. Rubbing the soft and sensitive facial skin can result in tugging of the skin resulting in red, irritated and inflamed skin. Not just this but harshly rubbing up a towel against your face can cause dreaded dark spots on your face also known as the post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. 

Make sure that you pat dry your face with a soft handkerchief instead of rubbing it with a harsh towel and pressing up the acne causing bacteria into your skin.

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