9 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Muscle Pain

Muscle pain and soreness can be dealt with simple natural treatments. Check out these home remedies to treat muscle pain.

Navya Kharbanda
Written by:Navya KharbandaPublished at: Aug 11, 2021

Home remedies for muscle pain

Home remedies for muscle pain

People experience muscle pain or soreness after a heavy workout or injury. An underlying medical condition can also be the cause behind muscle pain. The severity of pain differs from person to person. It can start from your neck and radiate till the toes, making your day to day life uncomfortable. There are certain natural treatments to manage this problem. Keep reading to know about effective home remedies to treat muscle pain. 

Ice pack

Ice pack

Using an ice pack is the most common and effective home remedy to treat muscle pain and soreness, especially is it is a pulled muscle. You can get rid of the stiffness, inflammation, redness and swelling all at once, using a cold compression. It acts as a numbing agent and alleviates pain from the affected area. You can use a store bought ice pack or a bag of frozen peas for this purpose. 



Turmeric is being used since ages to recover muscles more quickly than any other home remedy. It contains a compound called curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties. These qualities help in getting rid of muscle pain and inflammation, be it mild or severe. You can include turmeric in your diet in a moderate quantity and enjoy its many benefits. You can also drink the golden milk at night before sleeping for relief.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also suggested for sore and painful muscles. You can mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in water and have it directly. Another way to use this home remedy is to apply it topically on the affected area. Apple cider vinegar contains anti-inflammatory and alkalising properties that can help in managing  muscle pain and inflammation. ACV can be easily found in the market and stores online.

Magnesium rich foods

Magnesium rich foods

Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common causes of muscle pain and cramps. It is important to include magnesium rich foods in your diet, such as spinach, almonds, avocado and pumpkin seeds. You can easily incorporate these foods in your daily diet routine. Moreover, it is also recommended to avoid inflammatory foods such as processed meat, chips and sweets.



According to research, a massage can be extremely effective in reducing muscle pain, especially if the aching is due to exercising. A massage can help in relaxing your muscles and promotes quick recovery. You can take helo from your partner or family member to get a massage. In fact, calling an expert for a massage can also help in muscle pain relief. Using essential oils while massaging can double the recovery speed. 

Heat therapy

Heat therapy

If your muscles are paining due to heavy workout, then a hot water bottle or heating pad can open up your muscles and help in relaxing. You can also take a hot water bubble bath to get relief. Heat therapy or warm compression is effective in natural muscle pain relief. And, you can even ask the doctor while deciding between cold or heat therapy, depending on the cause.

Epsom salt

Epsom salt

Epsom salt is used as a natural remedy for pain and even skin conditions. It is rich in magnesium sulfate and can help in relieving sore and painful muscles. The magnesium takes out the fluid out of the pain causing tissue in the muscles. You can dip the affected area in an epsom saltwater warm tub to treat aching muscles. Keep them soaked until the water cools down. You can do this twice a week for better results.

Essential oils

Essential oils

There are several essential oils that can prove to be helpful in dealing with muscle and joint pain. You can try clove, lemongrass, lavender and peppermint essential oil for cramps and muscle pain. Just mix one or two drops of one or a combination of these essential oils in a teaspoon of a carrier oil like coconut oil, and gently massage on the concerned  area. Keep repeating until you get relief in muscle pain.

Cherry juice

Cherry juice

Cherry juice is loaded with antioxidants and can help in reducing muscle pain and soreness. It is suggested to consume homemade natural juice instead of buying a tetra pack from outside. You can even make a healthy smoothie and drink it as a post workout beverage. Cherry juice is an affordable and easy home remedy to treat muscle pain.
