Do You Want An Easy At-Home Solution For Cracked Heels? We Have Got Some For You

Forget cracked heels cream and ointment, here are some simple, easy and sure-shot tips to treat cracked heel and make them softer.

Chanchal Sengar
Written by: Chanchal SengarUpdated at: Nov 03, 2020 09:00 IST
Do You Want An Easy At-Home Solution For Cracked Heels? We Have Got Some For You

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

The cold and dry season brings a set of problems that many experiences but only a few know the right solution to tackle it. Cracked heels are one of them. As the winter season approaches, you can see visible cracks in your skin, especially in the heels. In most cases, improper foot care is to be blamed. If we start to pamper our feet even 10% of facial care, we would never have to face this problem again. The skin at the ankles and soles become rough over time and due to poor hydration, it begins to crack. Thus, you must moisturise the area to keep your heels soft. For best results, apply a foot pack. In case you do not know how to make one, scroll down to read the remedy.

Homemade feet pack

Natural ingredients are always better than store-bought products. Take out 15 minutes for feet care only twice a week to avert cracked heels problem. Here is a banana and honey foot mask to fix cracked heels.

  • Take a ripe banana and mash it.
  • Add about 2 teaspoons of honey to it and mix well.
  • Apply this paste on your cracked heels and keep it for 20-30 minutes. (This can be done when you are watching a netflix show or in a business zoom call. Learn to utilise the time.)
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water.

feet pack for cracked heels

Why does this foot mask help?

We bet your feet will become soft and smoother after applying this mask. It is so because:

  • Banana and honey are natural moisturising agents.
  • Banana is known to aid many skin conditions.
  • Honey has antibacterial properties to prevent infections and heal the cracks.
  • This mask can also be applied if you have severe cracks.

Ayurvedic foot massage

Have you heard about padabhyanga Ayurvedic foot massage? This is an ancient remedy to aid foot problems. Not only it beautifies your feet but also treats many health problems including insomnia, stress, anxiety, eyesight, to name but a few. However, this therapy should be done by a certified therapist but oiling your feet and massaging them a bit daily would bring desired results in terms of foot health and beauty. 

  • Mix equal parts of almond oil, olive oil, mustard oil and castor oil.
  • Massage your feet with this oil daily before going to bed.
  • The oil would get absorbed into the skin and repair it.
  • To avoid staining and allowing all the oil to get soaked in the skin, wear socks.
  • Do this at least 2-3 times a week if not daily to begin healing.
foot massage

Milk bath

Do you know why women love pedicures and how it makes the feet look beautiful? It is because it contains several things that remove the dead skin cells and beautify the feet. This therapy also works in preventing cracked heels by softening the edges.

  • Fill a tub with lukewarm water and add 2 glasses of milk to it.
  • Now, add fresh rose petals, neem leaves and tea tree essential oil to it.
  • Stir and soak your feet in it for 30-40 minutes.
  • Do this once a week to get pedicure-like effects.

Cracked heels are a common problem but it can be tackled with some easy remedies like the ones mentioned in this article. These are natural and safe remedies that would work for one and all. We would highly appreciate if you try this and let us know about your experience.

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