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Monsoon Maladies: Expert Explains Ear Problems Children Suffer During Rainy Season

Ear infections, otitis externa, middle ear fluid accumulation, tinnitus, and earwax buildup are some common issues that can arise during monsoon.

Varun Verma
Written by: Varun VermaUpdated at: Jun 27, 2023 15:56 IST
Monsoon Maladies: Expert Explains Ear Problems Children Suffer During Rainy Season

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

The rainy season brings a refreshing change in weather, but it also poses unique challenges, especially for children. One area of concern during this time is the increased likelihood of ear problems among young ones. The combination of higher humidity and moisture creates a favourable environment for various ear conditions to thrive. 

To shed light on these issues and offer guidance to parents, we consulted Dr Manusrut, Consultant Ear, Neck, and Throat (ENT), Head and Neck Surgeon, Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad, who explains the common ear problems children may encounter during the rainy season. By understanding these challenges and taking appropriate precautions, parents can ensure the well-being of their children and help them enjoy the rainy season to the fullest.

During the rainy season, children may suffer from following ear problems, as per the doctor.

Ear Infections


"The rise in humidity and moisture during the rainy season creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, leading to ear infections," said Dr Manusrut. He added that these infections primarily affect the ear canal and can also manifest as fungal infections. "Parents need to be vigilant for symptoms, such as ear pain, fever, and discharge," he suggested.

Also ReadEar Infections In Children: Expert Lists Treatment and Prevention Strategies

Otitis Externa

Also known as swimmer's ear, otitis externa is an infection of the outer ear canal. According to Deutsches Arzteblatt International, it has a lifetime prevalence of 10%, which can be in acute, chronic, and necrotising forms.

"It occurs due to exposure to water, which can be common during the rainy season. This condition can cause significant discomfort and pain for children, making it essential to take precautions and keep the ears dry," said Dr Manusrut.

Middle Ear Fluid Accumulation

"Children are more prone to developing middle ear fluid accumulation, medically known as otitis media, during the rainy season," said Dr Manusrut. According to the study on the National Center for Biotechnology Information portal stated that during their lifetime, around 80% of children are likely to experience otitis media, while between 80% and 90% of children will develop otitis media with an effusion before reaching school age.

"Colds and allergies can lead to the accumulation of fluid in the middle ear, causing symptoms, such as ear pain, hearing loss, and difficulty in balancing," said Dr Manusrut.


"Tinnitus refers to a condition characterised by a persistent ringing or buzzing sound in the ears. While it can be caused by exposure to loud noises, frequent ear infections during the rainy season may also contribute to this condition," said Dr Manusrut. If children complain of hearing such sounds, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional.

Also ReadRinging Sound: What Does It Mean For The Ears

Earwax Buildup

"The increased humidity during the rainy season can make earwax soft and sticky, leading to its accumulation in the ear canal," said the doctor. He added that this buildup can cause discomfort and hearing loss for children. "Regular ear hygiene, such as cleaning the ears gently, can help prevent excessive earwax accumulation," he suggested.


As the rainy season arrives, parents must be aware of the potential ear problems their children may face. Taking preventive measures, such as keeping the ears dry, practising good ear hygiene, and seeking medical attention when necessary, can help protect children from these monsoon maladies. Remember, a little care and attention can go a long way in ensuring your child's ear health during this rainy season.

[Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. Consult your healthcare provider to get a thorough diagnosis and treatment as per your health needs.]

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