Coronavirus Outbreak: Know Causes, Symptoms And Treatment Of Coronavirus In Detail

Coronavirus Alert: The latest numbers of cases: At least 132 people are dead and been confirmed in China. Know everything about this virus outbreak

Written by: Tavishi Dogra Updated at: Feb 05, 2020 14:48 IST

The whole world is gripped under the fear of coronavirus. The epidemic started from China and the cases soon started to spread across Japan, Thailand and America too. The US Department of Health has confirmed the development of this new virus. The department has reported that the virus has been found in a 30-year-old man near Washington. The coronavirus victim arrived in the US from Wuhan, China. After that (after reading about the virus in the newspapers), the young man got a checkup, where he was diagnosed with coronavirus. As the whole world is reeling under the danger of this deadly virus, let us tell you that the first case of coronavirus was revealed in Wuhan, China in December 2019. After which the virus spread rapidly. So far there have been about four and a half hundred people affected by this virus. Read below to understand what is the coronavirus, its symptoms, causes and treatment. 

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What is coronavirus?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the virus is linked to seafood and the virus is thought to originate from a seafood market in Wuhan city of Huawei, China. The surprising thing is that not only humans are coming in the grip of this virus, but many animals including camels, cats and bats are being haunted by it too. The quick spread of this virus is a growing concern for health officials across the countries affected by this virus. 

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Cases reported till now

About 6000 cases of coronavirus have been detected, out of which maximum cases have been found in China and then in Thailand, Japan, South Korea and the US. Nearly sixty million people are under partial lockdowns in mainland Chinese cities.

Coronavirus: Spreading rapidly

Earlier, the WHO had expressed that the coronavirus spreads from one person to another in extreme proximity. Besides, the coronavirus is a virus that can spread more quickly in the family. Also, the virus can cause serious harm to people suffering from certain diseases, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).

Symptoms of coronavirus

Vivek Singh, Associate Director of Max Super Specialty Hospital, said that the symptoms of coronavirus (which are rapidly spreading), first start causing a lot of difficulty in breathing, pain in the throat, besides colds, coughs, headaches, running nose, phlegm and fever. Apart from this, fever can also take the form of pneumonia and pneumonia can increase the number of problems associated with the kidney.


No vaccine has yet been directly prepared for the sudden spread of coronavirus. But, depending on the symptoms of the virus, doctors are using other essential medicines to treat it. Along with this, preparations are also being made for the Coronavirus vaccine.

Methods of protection

  • Try to stay away from seafood.
  • Cleanliness is the most important way to avoid coronavirus
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before eating.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief while sneezing and coughing.
  • Contact a doctor on cold and flu symptoms.
  • Cook eggs and meat properly before consuming.
  • Try not to come in direct contact with animals.

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