True Story

From XXL to XS: Certified Nutritionist Saloni's Inspiring Weight Loss Journey

Saloni's story is about more than just losing weight. Read on to know about the inspiring weight loss journey of certified nutritionist Saloni. 


Sambhav Kumar
Written by: Sambhav KumarUpdated at: Oct 31, 2023 13:47 IST
From XXL to XS: Certified Nutritionist Saloni's Inspiring Weight Loss Journey

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Bullying and body shaming cause people to feel insecure about their body. Certified nutritionist, Saloni, is one such example who was overweight during her adolescence, which led her to face a number of difficulties. Dominating over challenges, Saloni's weight loss journey proved the incredible power of determination, and resilience. Her story begins in 10th standard, where she weighed around 85 kgs and wore XXL shirts. At that time, she was also battling hypertension, and her peers taunted her by calling "Tata Ace." But Saloni faced her bullies with a smile, refusing to let their words define her.

However, life threw more dares her way as her father was diagnosed with kidney failure, and being the elder child of her family, the responsibility weighed heavily on her. Doctors and gynaecologists advised her to shed those extra weight, which only added to her already daunting journey.

What Motivated Her To Transform Herself?

One day her father said, "Can you see where I am sitting right now, or are you ready to go through what I had gone through?” This statement of her father triggered something within her. It was then that she made a life-changing decision to embark on a weight loss journey. While pursuing her graduation, she started studying nutrition and began incorporating functional exercises into her daily routine, right from the comfort of her home. Saloni's transformation was exceptional. From 86 kgs, she worked her way down to a slender 52 kgs, going from XXL to XS. When she attended a common wedding, the transformation stunned everyone.

Also read: Here Are Five Ways To Use Kalonji Seeds For Weight Loss

The Second Phase Of Transformation 

In the next phase of her life, she found love, got married, and started a happy family. However, after giving birth, she gained weight again. But Saloni's unwavering dedication pushed her back into the gym to train postpartum. In this way she embarked on the second phase of her transformation. 

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that women of normal weight carrying one baby gain 11.5 to 16 kg during pregnancy.

She understood that it wasn't just about how she looked; it was about how she felt and who she had become. Saloni said, "It's not about how you look, but it's about who you are." Saloni emphasised the importance of not mocking or teasing people who are overweight, as their struggles might be invisible but immense.

What Diet Regimen Saloni Use To Follow 

In her transformation journey, Saloni developed a mindful approach to her diet. Her daily routine included:

  • Drinking one litre of water as soon as she woke up.
  • Incorporating healthy snacks like fruits into her diet.
  • Choosing balanced meals with daal, roti, and a protein source.
  • Ensuring that dinner always included a protein source, such as soya chunks, tofu, or paneer.
  • Ending her day with a calming chamomile tea before bedtime.

Saloni's story is about more than just losing weight, it's about the wonderful strength that comes from inside. It's a narrative of perseverance, self-belief, and commitment. Her transformation experience serves as an inspiration for anyone suffering adversity, demonstrating that with determination and the correct mindset, you can overcome any obstacle and live the life you've always desired. Saloni's story serves as a reminder that it is not so much about how you start as it is about how you finish, and she is proof that a beautiful ending is always achievable with hard effort and a little self-love.
