Daily Workout: The Beginner's Workout Guide For Weight Loss & Muscle Gain

A person can only achieve results in the gym if their diet and macros are in order.

Ishaan Arora
Written by: Ishaan AroraUpdated at: Apr 12, 2023 17:42 IST
Daily Workout: The Beginner's Workout Guide For Weight Loss & Muscle Gain

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

How many times have you considered starting a workout or joining a gym, only to abandon it after a short period due to a lack of knowledge about which exercises to perform? Probably every time you consider losing weight and getting in shape.

When it comes to losing weight or gaining muscle, there are no shortcuts. A person must pay their dues by exercising regularly. Along with regular exercise, a person must maintain patience, as body transformation is a slow process. The slow process can be sped up by performing the proper exercises and reps. So, before you skip your next workout or want to transform yourself in three months, let's first understand the fundamentals of weight loss and muscle gain, as well as how to work out for both weight loss and muscle gain.

What Are The Fundamentals Of Weight Loss And Muscle Gain? 

When it comes to body transformation, diet is crucial. Working out will only produce results if the macros are correct. When it comes to losing weight, a person must eat in a deficit, which means eating fewer calories than maintenance calories.  Surplus is a necessary component of muscle growth. Assuming your body weight is 70 kg, your daily maintenance would be approximately 2,100 calories. You should eat less than 2,100 calories for weight loss and more than 2,100 calories for muscle gain.

Weight Loss Workout For Beginners

1) Empty Stomach Workout Is A Must

When you exercise on an empty stomach, your body uses stored fat for energy, which aids in the burning of stubborn fat areas of the body. The only thing to remember is that you do not have to do it dailyon a daily basis. Begin by aiming four times a week for no more than 30 minutes.

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2) Follow A Single Muscle Split

A single muscle split is when you train one muscle per day. Let us say the chest on Monday, the back on Tuesday, the shoulders on Wednesday, and so on. A person has plenty of time to recover after a single muscle split. When it comes to weight loss, rest is essential because fat burning occurs when you give your muscle enough time to recover.

3) Make It Intense

Including supersets, giant sets, and drop sets is enough to intensify your workout. When you perform two exercises back to back, you are performing a superset. Assume you did 10 reps of chest press and then you immediately perform 10 reps of chest fly. In the same way that a superset combines two exercises, a giant set combines three exercises. A drop set is when you perform a specific exercise with 15kg dumbbells first, then drop the weight to 10kg and repeat the reps; this is considered one set.

Muscle Gain Workout For Beginners

1) Perform Compound Lifts

A compound exercise is a type of movement in which more than two muscles are worked at the same time. Compound lifts include squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. Make compound lifts a staple of your workout if you want to gain muscle.

2) Subscribe To Bodybuilding Style

People have the misconception that lifting heavy weights aids in muscle growth. Lifting heavy only improves strength; if you want to build muscle, lift moderately and perform maximum reps. Bodybuilding training involves lifting 70% of your capacity and attempting to do more than 10 reps.

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3) Follow Double Muscle Split

Following a double muscle split is essential for muscle gain because it allows a person to train a muscle twice a week. The only thing to remember is that you must begin your workout with different exercises to avoid adaptability.

Image Credit: Freepik
