Try These 8 Ayurvedic Remedies To Treat Migraine Episodes

There are certain ayurvedic remedies that can help in curing migraine episodes. Check out these remedies.

Navya Kharbanda
Written by:Navya KharbandaPublished at: Sep 27, 2021

Ayurvedic remedies for migraine

Ayurvedic remedies for migraine

Migraine pain can be extremely discomforting and can interfere with your day to day life. It leads to a throbbing pain, which occurs usually on one side of the head. It comes along with other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and too much sensitivity towards strong light and sound. Migraine episodes or attacks can go on for several hours or even days. Migraine pain also ranges from being mild to severe in different cases. Read this article further to know about some ayurvedic remedies to treat migraine. 



"Triphala", the extracts of three flowers  named haritaki, bibhitaki and amla comprises of the organic blend of Triphala churna which acts as a magical tonic  cleansing the lungs, cools the body and enhances breathing functions. It also helps in improving respiration, ridding the nasal passages as well as sinuses of infections, allergens and blockage, hence efficiently reducing migraines. 



Nasya is a procedure in which medicinal concentrates are administered from the nose. Nasya is a panchakarma therapy that is often prescribed to treat prolonged headaches and migraines. It is recommended to be performed empty stomach in the morning before breakfast. Pouring some drops of nerve-stimulating substances like Ashwagandha or Brahmi into the nose cautiously relieves migraine greatly by stimulating the nervous system and respiratory functioning.



Dhoomapana is a great remedy to reduce stress, anxiety and tension which involves inhaling the therapeutic vapours of some specific aromatic herbs. Mildly inhaling the fumes of cardamom powder or sandalwood revitalizes the senses and relaxes the mind and resolves migraines by easing tension in the head.



Ginger contains anti inflammatory properties because of which it can be used to treat several ailments according to Ayurveda. The properties present in ginger help in reducing the symptoms of migraine. You can sip a cup of ginger tea and get relief with your migraine episode. Not just migraine, but ginger tea can help  in improving your overall health as well. Another way is to add ginger in your diet as much as possible. 



Butterbur is basically a pure root extract with is also popular by the name petasites. This root extract is used in its pill form to treat migraine episodes. As per an old study, butterbur can prove to be effective for preventing migraine. You can take it twice everyday but the dosages should be as per an expert. Petasites can have potential side effects on your liver, so this ayurvedic treatment should be monitored by your doctor or an ayurveda expert. 

Sesame oil

Sesame oil

Sesame oil can be used in the form of a nasal drop as an ayurvedic remedy for migraine. Migraine episodes get triggered because of an aggravated vata dosha which can be the result of mental pressure or insomnia. The dry nature of this vata can lead to a throbbing headache. You can alleviate the build up pressure created in the body by putting a few drops of sesame oil in your nostrils and inhale deeply. Sesame oil helps in relieving the head pressure and relaxes your body. 



Nutmeg can also be used as an amazing ayurvedic remedy to treat migraine episodes. You can mix nutmeg powder and water and massage it over your forehead. Along with relieving your headache, nutmeg can also help in getting a better sleep. Nutmeg is a sleep friendly ayurvedic spice that can make you feel calm and relaxed in a tensed situation. If you are having a migraine attack, applying nutmeg paste on your forehead can provide instant relief and give you a deep sleep. 



Peppermint is used to treat several health ailments. The mint fragrance of the peppermint herb helps in alleviating a migraine headache. In fact, it contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help in soothing the nerves of your brain. To include it in your diet, you can drink a cup of fresh peppermint tea. Another way to use this ayurvedic remedy is by massaging your temples with peppermint oil. Let it stay for atleast half an hour. 
